Oak Ridge Electric & Control, LLC
Established in 1988, Oak Ridge Electric & Control, LLC is a full service electric and control systems integration business dedicated to the customers satisfaction.
Industrial & Commercial Integrated Process Automation & Control Technologies
Oak Ridge Electric & Control has extensive experience in control and data acquisition systems integration and design in the areas of process control including experience in product research & development, wastewater & supply water treatment, air handling, paging and communications systems, high speed packaging, material handling, and power generation.
Wonderware is our choice for second level control and interface, Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and HMI integration as well as HMC's. We specialize in the application of PLCs, Touch-Screen Terminals, PCs, Local Area Networks, Motor Variable Speed Drives, Sensors and Instrumentation.
Oak Ridge Electric & Control offers our project management experience on projects for control systems as an additional service on Large, mid-sized and, small turn key projects.
To maintain our economical cost Oak Ridge Electric & Control employs a modular system for our commercial and industrial electrical panel building.
Generac Emergency and Backup Generators
Keep the electric flowing in your building, when the utility service is interrupted, with a Generac generator set from Oak Ridge Electric & Control, LLC.
Standby generators are a staple wherever there are critical systems that rely on a constant supply of electricity. Because people rely on an increasing variety of electric appliances today, standby generators are also becoming more popular with residences. Generac generators are an important power source in a temporary outage or emergency, and as such, regular maintenance is required. Breakdowns also happen, and that’s why it’s so important to have a trustworthy business who can maintain, repair, and offer advice on the different types of standby generators.
Wired, Wireless, and Fiber Optic Networks, Phone, Video Security, General Wiring and Conduit Installation
Contact an Oak Ridge Electric & Control representative to walk you through the services offered to our industrial, commercial, and residential customers for the installation of fiber optic systems, wired and wireless networks, phone, video security, general wiring and conduit installation. Oak Ridge Electric & Control has certified fiber optic technicians and certified fiber optic specialists on staff and ready to assist you.
Video Security & Monitoring
Oak Ridge Electric & Control designs and installs video surveillance systems for commercial and industrial process control monitoring. Advances in technology and a wide variety of options have made loss prevention, safety and peace of mind more affordable than ever.
Video surveillance with closed-circuit television, network, and internet access can protect your business, corporate facility, and, commercial and industrial processes. Monitor entryways, cash registers, automated equipment and movement throughout your site to protect you, your business, employees and visitors in case of an emergency or theft.
Contact a representative from Oak Ridge Electric & Control today for a free video security estimate.

Credit Cards Are Always Welcome.
Generator Financing Available.
Bonded & Insured Phone 908.689.4525 NJ License / Permit # 9939